Ireland Neutral in WW2

 fought alongside the United Kingdom

during World War two
it's even harder though to imagine how
it managed to stay that way under the
pressure of both sides to choose an
enemy in this sense in answering why
Ireland chose to remain neutral
we will first answer what joining the
war would have meant for the country at
the start of the war relations between
the United Kingdom and the young Irish
states governments were diplomatic at
although Ireland had a long history of
conflict with the British crown the
decades between the two world wars were
especially tense
it's the 1940s and Ireland is not seeing
the United Kingdom as an ally but also
it fears a German invasion but in August
1940 the first German bombs are being
dropped on the Irish soil because you
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while having merged with the United
Kingdom in 1801 Ireland underwent like
many other countries in the second half
of the 19th century the exponential
growth of nationalism among its
population the rising national identity
didn't take long to become a
self-government movement and by 1914
those in favour of an independent
Ireland carried out to the British
Parliament the known as Home Rule Act
which gave Ireland self-government
sovereignty although within the United
Kingdom World War one nonetheless
postponed until after its end the
promulgation of this act yet it was
never promulgated in 1919 the Irish
Republican Army the IRA who three years
before had unsuccessfully declared
Ireland independence started a guerrilla
war against the British fought mostly in
Dublin and Belfast cities the Irish War
of Independence accentuated the identity
tendency of Catholics and Protestants
supporting independence and loyalism
respectively which resulted in the
partition of the country between Ireland
and Northern Ireland in 1921 Ireland was
then a self-governing state shortly
after as is frequent in recently
independent countries a civil war arose
between those in favour of remaining
part of the British Empire and those
against it backed up by the crown Pro
British forces won and founded the Irish
Free State a constitutional state part
of the British Commonwealth and as such
subject to royal authority the struggle
was not settled though and in 1937 near
the start of the war a second Irish
Constitution supplanted the Free Irish
state with what we know today as Ireland
behind this new constitution which
removed the king as an authority figure
was head of state Eamon de Valera a key
figure in Ireland politics by the time
this new constitution was adopted
de Valera had a long history in the
country's political conflicts he took
part of IRAs Republican insurrection and
independence declaration
and was also one of the political
leaders during the war of independence
he was in favor of the defeated anti
Commonwealth forces during the Civil War
and him founding the fionna fall party
as a new approach toward total
independence was key in Ireland reaching
such objective the transition no did not
lack friction between Ireland and its
former overlord Britain economic
disagreements led to nations applying
important fees to one another the so
called treaty ports a set of three Irish
ports one north and to South under
British control since 1921 settled the
trade war by returning to Irish hands in
1938 Churchill objected this movement
due to the strategic position the ports
could have in an imminent war intuiting
at the same time that de Valera would
not let the British use them in this way
when de Valera addressed to the Irish
people the state position of non
belligerency concerning the already in
process European war he did so in the
faith of expressing the sovereignty of
the country that is to say to show that
they were not associated with the
British which asked Ireland to come to
their aid as soon as they request it
more than to any other country but once
the war started Ireland was forced to
make the decision of remaining neutral
over and over again on the one part
Britain interest in Ireland and during
the war did not diminish the next year
after the start of the war the British
were as far as secretly offering de
Valera what he wanted more than anything
a potential unification between Ireland
and Northern Ireland as a single Irish
state in exchange the Irish were to
allow their land ports and airspace to
be used freely by the Allies under these
terms the Irish government was also
obligated to deport every citizen from
the Axis countries from its land still
the deal did not imply that Ireland was
obligated to make a formal war
although at first it may have looked
like a tempting offer de valera did not
accept it why firstly only after de
Valera accepted the deal a proposition
for unification would be proposed to his
northern pair Prime Minister James Craig
de Valera did not trust him and reaching
an agreement would be complicated at
least this trust aside it can also be
interpreted that the Irish did not see a
clear winner on the conflict as in 1940
the war was still open yet at the same
shortly after rejecting the unification
offer de Valera let no the British that
he was rooting for them and that if
Ireland was to enter the war as Allied
the Germans could invade Ireland that is
to ignore nonetheless that the British
Royal Navy defended Ireland C and that
British troops up north were positioned
to intervene if the Germans were to
attack Ireland by the time of the war
the Irish Navy only had around fifty
ships and an equally short aircraft
force its army was of limited size as
well restricted to less than 30,000
soldiers and the country did not
increase its military exponential that
much after the war arose but despite its
neutrality Ireland did not remain alien
to the war as early as it started Dahl
arene Irish Maine legislative chamber
declared the state of emergency for the
Irish government conceived to remain
active until the end of the conflict in
political terms the emergency granted
the government a set of extraordinary
powers such as media control and acute
intervention in the economy as such
their lack of military strength did not
limit Irish propagandas efforts on using
its limited army assets to ensure the
population that the country could not
actually defend itself of any enemy on
the other hand the Allies were not the
only band looking for Ireland to join
the war
Churchill's 1940 speech against
Ireland's refusal to declare war on
access was at the same time joined by a
German military offer which Valera
refused by treating with arrest two
German emissaries if they were to land
on Irish soil
shortly after Ireland was bombarded
resulting in three casualties in 24
wounded and again the next year when
allegedly mistaking Ireland's coast for
England's Germans bombarded many times
the country resulting in more than 30
civil casualties there are even
documents that support a German plan on
invading Ireland the so called Operation
green a complementary part of Operation
Sea Lion which targeted the UK in this
sense neutrality during the conflict was
kept even after actual hostilities Irish
ship MV Kerr Lok for example despite
suffering damage by the Allies and the
axis weaponry keep neutral politics and
even intervened in rescuing soldiers
from both sides as the u.s. entered the
Ireland's importance in changing the war
tides diminished yet Ireland indeed
chose aside and secretly supported the
Allies for the one part Irish citizens
were still then British subjects we're
free to join the British lines Allied
aircraft were also granted entrance to
the Donegal corridor allowing them safe
access to and from the Atlantic on the
other hand the Irish air corpse as well
as its naval service assisted allies by
sharing them aircraft identification
over their territory similarly and
planning the Normandy landings hourly
Irish meteorological reports aided the
Allies and choosing when to attack we
can say that Ireland's apparent
neutrality was a sovereignty exercised
both regarding their brand-new
relationship with the UK and with the
political world scenario Churchill who
had long loathed Ireland's leader took
advantage of de Valera's mistake and
declared him to be uncooperative during
the war if not an enemy whom the United
Kingdom should have undertake
him Valera's response came only three
days later in the form of a pondered
statement of principles and a synthesis
of the motive that made Irish neutrality
the only viable choice for defending and
shaping its sovereignty de Valera
addressed the fact that if Ireland would
have entered the war Britain's necessity
would become a moral code while in
responding to Churchill Menace of
invading Ireland he responded that it
would have meant another horrid chapter


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